Enrollment Process
Admissions to Knox Classical Academy is subject to the policies established by the Board of directors. At Knox, we seek to identify and admit students from families who have similar convictions regarding the education of their children. Only children who live with one or more Christian parent(s)/guardian(s) will be considered for admission. That parent/guardian must subscribe to KCA’s Statement of Faith and support the educational philosophy embraced by the school, including academic standards, disciplinary procedures, dress code, and communication with teachers and administration.
Information regarding a student’s academic progress will be used in the application process for grade placement, but is not necessarily the primary basis for acceptance.
We will admit students in order of priority each year.
Returning Students
Siblings of current students
New Students by date of application received
Applications for new students and re-enrolling students will be available in January of each school year at the school office and on our website.
Enrollment for each new school year
Tuition Information
Monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st and are payable until the 15th of each month, beginning in June and continuing through April for the 11 month payment plan. Paid in Full tuition is due June 1st and will receive a 3% discount. Late Payments will incur a $25 late fee per month. All students must have completed registration, paid enrollment fee, and a minimum of 3 months tuition paid in full prior to attending classes. Students with past due accounts may not re-enroll until the account is up to date.
Annual Tuition: $4000
Monthly Tuition: $364/month, June-April
Annual Tuition: $5500
Monthly Tuition: $500/month, June-April
Annual Tuition: $6050
Monthly Tuition: $550/month, June-April
Annual Tuition: $6600
Monthly Tuition: $600/month, June-April
Early Withdrawal Fee
When families enroll a child, they commit to pay the expenses of the student for the full year, allowing the school to commit resources (teacher salaries, supplies, etc.) to teach that child. When parents withdraw a student early, it breaks that commitment and introduces a financial challenge to the school, which must still meet its obligations. Monthly tuition payments are non-refundable. If tuition has been paid in full and a student withdraws before or during the school year, fees equivalent to monthly tuition fees up to the date of withdrawal will be retained, and any overpayment will be refunded. Past due accounts must be made current at the time of withdrawal.
Testing Fee:
A testing fee ($50) for all students in grades 1st-12th is due by September 1st. No testing fees are required for students in grades: K4/5.
Family Discounts
Families enrolling two or more children will receive 7% off the second child’s tuition, 10% off the third child’s tuition and 12% off the fourth child’s tuition (the oldest child is always considered the first student).
Full Time Ministry Discount
Discounts are available for the children of those serving the Lord in full time ministry. Eligibility for this discount will be determined by the school board. Please call the school for more information.
Tuition Assistance
Limited tuition assistance is available to families on a short-term basis (one to three years). Families must be enrolled at KnoxAcademy before submitting a Tuition Assistance application. Eligibility is based first on financial need. Other factors include a family’s commitment to classical Christian education, their future ability to pay tuition without assistance, and their willingness to help with the school. Tuition Assistance applications are available online upon request; there is a $35 fee to apply. Applicants must be prepared to fully disclose the reasons for the request and supply recent tax documents or Pay stubs.
To begin the application process:
Please select either the online or paper application process.
If you apply online, please be sure that you complete the form
and have received a confirmation email.
Otherwise, please mail (or return to the school office) the following materials.
Completed Application for Admission
Non-refundable application fee of $50
A copy of the most recent achievement test scores (if available)
Upon receipt of the above materials, the school will contact you to discuss class availability and arrange for a family interview. Your child may also be tested and/or asked to submit a writing sample to determine acceptance or placement. New families will be notified, in writing, regarding admission status within two weeks of family interview.
Enrollment Fees: (to be submitted pending acceptance)
● $150 Per Student/$450 Family Max if paid by April 1st
● $200 Per student/ $600 Family if paid by May 31st
● $250 Per Student/ No Family Max if paid by Aug 22nd
● $400 Per Student If after Aug 22nd
Tuition Information: Monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st and are payable until the 15th of each month, beginning in June and continuing through April for an 11-month payment plan. Late Payments will incur a $25 late fee per month. All students must have completed registration, paid their enrollment fee and a minimum of 3 month’s tuition payments prior to attending classes. Families with past due accounts may not re-enroll students until their account is up to date.
Knox Classical Academy
PO Box 4767
Medford, OR 97501
NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: Knox Classical Academy, in her commitment to the gracious God of the Scriptures who rules over all peoples and nations, admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs and activities available to students at the school, and does not discriminate on the basis of race in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and athletic or other school administered programs.