
Enrollment Process

Admissions to Knox Classical Academy is subject to the policies established by the Board of directors. At Knox, we seek to identify and admit students from families who have similar convictions regarding the education of their children. Only children who live with one or more Christian parent(s)/guardian(s) will be considered for admission. That parent/guardian must subscribe to KCA’s Statement of Faith and support the educational philosophy embraced by the school, including academic standards, disciplinary procedures, dress code, and communication with teachers and administration.

Information regarding a student’s academic progress will be used in the application process for grade placement, but is not necessarily the primary basis for acceptance.

New Applications each year will be available in February at the school office and on our website.

Enrollment for each school year

We will admit students in order of priority each year.

  1. Returning Students

  2. Siblings of current students

  3. New Students by date of application received

 To Begin the Application Process:

Please mail (or return to the school office) the following materials.

  1. Completed Application for Admission

  2. Non-refundable application fee of $50

  3. A copy of the most recent achievement test scores (if available)

Upon receipt of the above materials, the school will contact you to discuss class availability and arrange for a family interview. Your child may also be tested and/or asked to submit a writing sample to determine acceptance or placement. New families will be notified, in writing, regarding admission status within two weeks of family interview.

Enrollment Fees: (to be submitted pending acceptance)

● $150 Per Student/$450 Family Max if paid by April 1st

● $200 Per student/ $600 Family if paid by May 31st

● $250 Per Student/ No Family Max if paid by Aug 22nd

● $400 Per Student If after Aug 22nd

Tuition Information: Monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st and are payable until the 15th of each month, beginning in June and continuing through April for an 11-month payment plan. Late Payments will incur a $25 late fee per month. All students must have completed registration, paid their enrollment fee and a minimum of 3 month’s tuition payments prior to attending classes. Families with past due accounts may not re-enroll students until their account is up to date.

Grammar K-6th Yearly Plan – $5,250 – Due June 1st (3% discount applied when paid in full by June 1st )

Grammar K-6th Month Plan – $477 a Month Due June 1st – April 1st 2025

Logic/Rhetoric (6-12th) Yearly Plan -- $5,775, – Due June 1st (3% discount applied when paid in full by June

Logic/Rhetoric (6-12th) Month Plan -- $525 A Month Due June 1st – April 1st 2025

Knox Classical Academy
PO Box 4767
Medford, OR 97501

Knox Classical Academy admits students regardless of gender, race, creed, color, age, national origin, disability or familial status.